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Offers for selling

Offer for sale: #395
Dated: 27/09/2006

Business description:Metallurgy base
Industry:Офисная недвижимость
Region:Lvov Region
Share offered for sale:100%
Business value:422 000 грн.
Years in business:13
General line of activity, types of products (products, works, services):Metallurgy base of building direction
Owned assets (fixed assets, equipment, transport, trade stock, receivables, author's rights, trade marks):Complex of industrial buildings: two concrete storage facilities with 860 sq.m. of metal with bridge crane, two peaces of 10 tons scales, rail way, transformer substation (160 kWt), two store office building, unfinished hotel, office in center of Lvov city with two garages, well-known business name
Number of employees:20
Other information on business:There are possibilities to build more industrial facilities – existence free land and high power transformer substation, access road and rail road.
Contact person in the Agency: Lawrence Ball
Tel/Fax: +38 (044) 278 49 08
Mobile: +38 067 503 14 52
E-mail: balllawrencem@yahoo.com
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Groups of companies on production and distribution of snack group production
Petroleum Depot

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