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About the Project, or What We Can Do For You

We are company incorporation specialists providing a comprehensive range of company incorporation services in particular in the “ready made company” market in Ukraine, enabling our clients to start doing business or acquiring property immediately.

Ukraine is situated at the geographical center of Europe. An emerging market with a population of 48 million, a stable currency and average year on year GDP growth of 4 to 4.5 %. Ukraine to the potential investor is a golden business opportunity just waiting to be grasped.

We understand that the incorporation of a company is of major importance to our clients and as experienced company incorporation specialists we have designed service to reflect that.

At the heart of our service is a flexible, professional approach that supplies you with all you need to start up a new company. Company formations can be time consuming, confusing and complex. By letting us take over all the routine tasks, following the identification of a suitable “ready made company” and we have more than 800 such companies presently registered, we set you free to focus on what you do best. We’ll save you time and money and give you the peace of mind that your company is being registered by skilled professionals.

We will prepare all necessary documentation to effect the changes in the “ready made company”. We will organize the General Meeting approving all the changes in the company further to our client’s requirements. All transactions will be certified and we will ensure the safe filing of all documents. But most importantly our unique personal approach will ensure that we deliver the services you need when you need them and all Ukrainian legal firms, Attorneys at law, Auditors, Accountants, Tax Advisors and Insurance companies are stable clientele.

However, our service does not stop there, we will give you any assistance or advice you require from the moment you choose to incorporate the company for as long after incorporation as you wish.

We are an acting member of the Union of Entrepreneurs of small, medium and privatized enterprises of Ukraine and you can be assured that all companies purchased will be registered officially and completely legally. So why look any further if you are looking to set up Ukrainian company, consult with us, we are here to help you do exactly that.

Groups of companies on production and distribution of snack group production
Petroleum Depot

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