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Offers for selling

Offer for sale: #1522
Dated: 19/12/2006

Business description:Groups of companies on production and distribution of snack group production
Industry:Food industry
Region:Kiev Region
Share offered for sale:100%
Business value:3 900 000 USD
Years in business:8
General line of activity, types of products (products, works, services):Muesli,crunches,fast food porridges,air-rice, corn puffs.
Owned assets (fixed assets, equipment, transport, trade stock, receivables, author's rights, trade marks):Company property consists of: -Registered trade points -production base -production equipment -office equipment -vehicles; Company owns a production center, located according to the following address – Kiev region. The general area of non-residential premises is 3,279.5 square meters. Main construction details: foundation – concrete, pedestal –bricks, walls – bricks, partitions- bricks, floors – reinforced concrete, roof- many-sided. According to the independent expert evaluation the market cost of the production center is 2 100 000 usd.
Asset rights:Production center is located on the land plot of 1.4055 hectares. Land plot grant project provides the right to rent for 25 year term with the further beneficial right to prolong the rent contract for a new term and priority right to buy out the land plot.
Number of employees:100
Other information on business:In comparison with the competitors the enterprise has the following advantages: famous brand, thought out assortment, quality product, qualified personnel, readiness for changes. There is an opportunity to increase considerably the output of the products with the installed equipment, as the production capacities are used only for 50% and the work is organized for one shift. Buying a packing automatic device with a set of conveyers (the expenses are about $ 40,000) and using the equipment that is already installed can 4 times increase the volume of muesli production. The products of the Company were many times rewarded for the quality at the exhibitions

Contact person in the Agency: Lawrence Ball
Tel/Fax: +38 (044) 278 49 08
Mobile: +38 067 503 14 52
E-mail: balllawrencem@yahoo.com
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Groups of companies on production and distribution of snack group production
Petroleum Depot

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